(A Collaborative Society of Delhi Police and AFD)
(Professionals for Committed Action )
Core Area of Intervention

Child Protection and Development
We consider child protection and development as one of the very important area for nation building. With the growing urbanization, globalization, privatization and industrialization the protection of children has become an issue of great concern. There are umpteen number of studies, which shows that children of our nation are in danger and it will jeopardize the nation development if child protection issue is not taken on urgency basis.
It is important to protect our children against any unwarranted situation so that children’s right to survival, development and well being is ensured. As the members of civil society, it is our duty to take child protection issues on priority basis. AFD believes that defending the rights of the children will ultimately help in building the nation and bright future of the country.
Women Empowerment
Women Empowerment refers to strengthening the women socially, economically and educationally. It refers to an empowerment where there is no gender biasness and women have equal rights in community, workplaces and society.
It is important to mention here that, during seven decades of independence, women in India have made a considerable progress in almost every sphere of life. Also, many social, economic and political provisions were incorporated in the Indian Constitution, for the protection and empowerment of women, based on the idea championed by our founding father. But due to deep rooted patriarchal mentality in the Indian society, women are still victimized, humiliated, tortured, exploited and subjected to discrimination in the social, economic and educational field.

Youth Empowerment
AFD believe that the youth empowerment is different from youth development because development is centered on developing individuals, while empowerment is focused on creating greater community change relies on the development of individual capacity.
Today's youth are tomorrow's leaders, and they have capacity to bring new ideas to solving the all problems. Young people are the backbone of a society. Their participation in all aspects of society is very important. Unfortunately, we see many Indian youth being deprived of this. They have no or limited roles in decision-making processes or leadership programs at the local and national level. Isolating young people, intentionally or unintentionally, especially in urban areas, is the cause of many problems such as drug abuse, illegal and criminal actions, depression and so on. This is happening while youth are the potential group of actors for structuring the future of India.