(A Collaborative Society of Delhi Police and AFD)
(Professionals for Committed Action )

Empowering Children, Youth and Women
Association for Development (AFD) was founded in the year 1993 for the upliftment of the weaker and under privileged sections of the society. We extend support to them at individual, family and community levels for their development, protection and empowerment. AFD is registered under The Societies Registration Act, 1860. It is eligible to receive funds under FCRA and the donation is exempted from Income Tax under section 80G of the Income Tax Act.
Pratidhi is a collaborative society of Delhi Police and Association for Development (AFD) which came into existence in 1996. The mandate of the organization is welfare and rehabilitation of victims of crime. It is perhaps the first agency of its kind in the country that takes a holistic approach and caters for the long felt requirement of providing welfare services to crime victims like those of sexual abuse, domestic violence, murder, suicide, fatal accidents etc.